Board of Directors
Shelbi Carman – Secretary/Treasurer
The Mountain Communities Healthcare Foundation is committed to ensuring that the citizens of Trinity County receive the best health care possible.
The Foundation was established in 2009 in order to support health care services throughout the healthcare district and the services at Trinity Hospital. Current program funding is made possible through grants, donations, and sponsorships.
The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Directors represent the Healthcare District Board, Trinity Hospital, and the geographical areas of the district.
The Foundation works hard to apply for private funding for many projects and also accepts donations. Among the opportunities to support the Foundation is for private citizens to establish endowments that will support health related activities.
You may reach the Board via email at: MCHealthcareFoundation@mcmedical.org
An endowment is a gift that perpetually honors a person, company, or group. Gifts may include cash, real property, personal property, publicly traded securities, life insurance, commercial annuities, other tangible property, and gifts by will or living trust, and retirement plans. An endowed gift is FOREVER.
Such a gift IMMORTALIZES either the benefactor or the party named by the endowment.
Donations to the fund may have favorable tax benefits, both for the donor and for their family. Donors also have the option to remain anonymous when making contributions.
Please confer with your estate planner or financial advisor.
Endowment funds will be allocated to support on-going and future programs / services. Donors may specify a program area for their funds or leave the allocation to the discretion of the Board of Directors.
McConnell Foundation – Skilled Nursing Room Remodel
Gates Family Endowment Fund, Trinity Trust – Skilled Nursing Room Remodel
Coast Central Credit Union – Medical Equipment for the Hayfork Health Clinic